Choose from a number of specialised business-skills topics to study. These are half-day, full-day or two-day courses, depending on the topic and group.
Here are examples of two popular courses, many others are available:
Preparing and delivering presentations
- What makes a good presentation? Dos and Don’ts
- What makes a good presenter? Dos and Don’ts
- Types of presentation. 30 second and 5 minute quickfire practice.
- Preparation, the key to success.
- Visual aids. Preparation, the good and the bad. How to use in practice.
- Use of body language.
- Keeping the listeners’ attention: voice control, gestures, eye-contact, pausing…
- Presentation structure: getting attention, greetings, introductions, outlining, sequencing, signposting, summarising and concluding.
- Useful opening techniques.
- Rhetorical questions and tripling.
- Handling difficult questions and dealing with interruptions.
- Cross cultural factors in presentations.
- Delivery of participants presentations supported by video recording, feedback…
- Etc.
Receiving and entertaining international guests
- Introducing yourself and meeting people.
- Small talk, strategies for the first five minutes.
- Small talk – Game and role play.
- Introducing your company and your responsibilities, mini presentations.
- Cultural Awareness. Entertaining guests in Finland.
- Using English with guests. Do I really need to be so polite?
- Food and restaurant vocabulary. Describing a typical Finnish menu.
- Offering and requesting.
- Factory tours. Using the passive.
- Asking for and giving opinions.
- Agreeing and disagreeing.
- Etc.